Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

DMR’s Philosophy On Corporate Governance:-

We are committed to upholding integrity, social obligations and regulatory compliances in true letter and spirit. The Company firmly believes that corporate governance standards should go beyond the law and must satisfy the spirit of law and not just the letter of the law. Our focus on conducting its business in accordance with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations with highest standards of business ethics, governance, integrity, environmental responsibility, and social responsibility.

Board Constitution

  1. Mr. Subhash Chander Mittal, Managing Director
  2. Mrs. Neelam Mittal, Whole Time Director
  3.  Mr. Bangam Prasad Rao, Non-Executive Director   
  4. Mrs. Rachana Agrawal, Independent Director
  5. Mr. Dahyalal Bansilal Prajapati, Independent Director
  6. Ms. Anita Goyal, Independent Director
  7. Mr. Krishan Kumar Gupta, Whole Time Director

Audit Committee

  1. Mrs. Rachana Agrawal, Chairman, Independent Director
  2. Mr. Dahyalal Prajapati, Member, Independent Director
  3. Ms. Anita Goyal , Member, Independent Director

Nomination & Remuneration Committee

  1. Mr. Dahyalal Prajapati, Chairman, Independent Director  
  2. Mrs. Rachana Agrawal, Member, Independent Director
  3. Mr. Bangam Prasad Rao,  Member, Non-Executive Director
  4. Mr. Subhash Chander Mittal, Member, Managing Director   

Stakeholder Relationship Committee

  1. Ms. Anita Goyal , Chairman , Independent Director
  2. Mr. Subhash Chander Mittal, Member, Managing Director
  3. Mr. Krishan Kumar Gupta, Member, Whole Time Director

DMR is a leading engineering consulting firm in India that leverages Experience and Core Expertise in Design and Engineering to offer Concept to Commissioning solutions throughout the lifecycle of projects in infrastructure sectors.

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DMR is a leading engineering consulting firm in India that leverages Experience and Core Expertise in Design and Engineering to offer Concept to Commissioning solutions throughout the lifecycle of projects in infrastructure sectors.

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DMR is a leading engineering consulting firm in India that leverages Experience and Core Expertise in Design and Engineering to offer Concept to Commissioning solutions throughout the lifecycle of projects in infrastructure sectors.

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